Utilization of Zoom Instructional Strategies in Tertiary Institutions with Multiple Campuses in Rivers State, Nigeria

PDF Review History Discussion

Published: 2024-07-27

Page: 101-109

Maduabuchukwu John Orie *

Department of Computer and Robotics Education, School of Science, Federal College of Education (Technical), Omoku, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Some of the benefits of multiple campuses is the ability to decongest overcrowding on a single campus, providing a more comfortable and conducive learning environment. Due to the recent economic downturn, the costs associated with students and lecturers moving throughout higher institutions' campuses have significantly increased. This, in turn, contributes to an increased level of stress for guidance and instructors in tertiary institutions. The study investigates the utilization of Zoom instructional strategies in tertiary institutions with multiple campuses in Rivers State. The study employed a descriptive survey design, with a sample size of 400 individuals selected through random selection. The study was conducted with two research questions and two null hypotheses, which were examined at a 0.05 α level of significance. Data collection, involved the use of a structured questionnaire with 15 items. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach alpha, resulting in a coefficient of 0.88. The study questionnaires were resolved by employing the mean and standard deviation, while the hypotheses were tested with t-test statistics. The results indicated that the zoom software for instructions was highly available and moderately utilized in the tertiary institution with multiple campuses in Rivers State. The utilization of the Zoom instructional strategy will reduce the cost of moving from one campus to another and promote teaching and learning in this period of economic downturn. Therefore, the administrator must create a conducive environment to encourage the implementation of this instructional strategy.

Keywords: Campuses, instruction, tertiary institutions, zoom

How to Cite

Orie, M. J. (2024). Utilization of Zoom Instructional Strategies in Tertiary Institutions with Multiple Campuses in Rivers State, Nigeria. Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal, 6(1), 101–109. Retrieved from https://jofresearch.com/index.php/ABAARJ/article/view/144


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